
I want to thank Mr Bessel Kok for his nice speech, and nice words. Thank you very much. Dear delegates, dear friends, now I want to speak about my program, [which] many of you have. During these ten years I worked with you. First of all I want to thank very much everybody who worked with me during these ten years. You could see during these ten years my work, and you could see that always I was open for everybody, I was open for unity, because my main principle is peace, my main principle is to work for chess. What is my program? My program is ten hard working years for chess. My program is ten hard working years for the unity in chess. Now I want to work for chess. Why? Because chess is not only my job. Because chess is not only my hobby. But because chess is my love, because chess is my life for ever!

Hierbei handelt es sich um den kompletten Text der Rede Kirsan Ilyumzhinovs vor den Delegierten der Generalversammlung der FIDE, mit der er seine erneute Kandidatur für das Präsidentenamt begründete. Auf eine Übersetzung wird verzichtet. Vielleicht hätte Bessel Kok auch besser Pidgin gesprochen.

Ein Kommentar

fuerchtegott 10. Juni 2006

Großartig. Langanhaltender Beifall.

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